CALYPSO SOUTH - Extending Data and Services for Safer Navigation & Marine Protection
Project in Numbers
Duration: 44 months
Start date: 01.03.2018
End Date: 31.10.2021
Partner N.: 7
Project progress:
Total Budget: 2.500.000 €
ERDF Contribution of which: 2.125.000 €
CALYPSO SOUTH faces the common challenge of safety in maritime transport, the safeguarding of human lives at sea and the protection of marine-coastal resources
The project carries out an enlargement of the HF radar observation system for monitoring the deliberate actions of oil spills
The availability of these innovative tools allows the authorities to have a complete mapping of the Maltese and Sicilian marine area and to reduce intervention times to the occurrence of harmful and/or potentially polluting events
The project also provides support services in maritime security operations through the installation of weather stations networked through a web interface that integrates and combines weather data with marine wave data released by HF radar stations
Expected results:
Enlargement of the HF radar monitoring coverage corresponding to the entire Maltese marine area and to the Sicily south-east area with a total coverage of 15,000 square kilometres
Projects is aimed to enhence the condition of safety in maritime transport, the safeguarding of human lives at sea and the protection of marine-coastal resources
Project activities will realize:
3 HF radar sites observation
7 Ports with Port Weather station
6.300 sq. Km area covered with monitoring and collection data technological systems on Sicilian and Maltese shores
2 exercises of emergency response simulations
2 Smartphone apps for safe navigation services
Project Lead Partner:
University of Malta, Faculty of Science Department of Geosciences Physical Oceanography Research Group
Project Partners:
Università degli Studi di Palermo - Polo Territoriale Universitario della Provincia di Trapani
Transport Malta - Port and Yachting Directorate
Università di Catania - CUTGANA Centro Ricerche Multidisciplinari
Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente della Sicilia
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (Capo Granitola)
Civil Protection Department